Saturday, November 14, 2009

Now on iTunes!

Attention everybody!
The Everyman Critics Podcast is now available on iTunes!
Just head to the iTunes Store and search for The Everyman Critics. Subscribe to the podcast and automatically receive the newest episode as they are released!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Questions and concerns requiring fan interaction!

So, I recently read that one of my favorite 80s horror films is in the works to be remade.
I don't know about you but unless they are remaking shitty horror movies, like My Bloody Valentine, these horror remakes are TERRIBLE! Granted I haven't seen all of them but the ones I have seen based off good horror films have been bad.
Now they are wanting to remake Fright Night. If you havent seen this movie you should ashamed! Shameless fun, surprisingly good acting, and and all around great 80s horror/comedy movie!
It just breaks my heart and makes me ashamed to be alive when good movies get remade and the results are disheartening and down right ludicrous. If this movie gets made I still might see it and either be ok with it or hate it! There is no two ways around it with me when it comes to Fright Night.
So...what does everybody think about this? About modern remakes of 80s classics in general?
If you've never seen Fright Night try this on for size...The Karate Kid starring Jackie Chan and Will Smith's kid! If that doesn't strike fear into the hearts of millions I don't know what will!
Comment away fellow movie lovers and let me know what you think!

For news coverage about these projects (read: where I heard about them) visit Mania News and get the full scoop.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Episode 1 - Introductions and Shenanigans

Welcome to The Everyman Critics!
Join four friends as we discuss movies and give honest, no bullshit, opinions on them.
This week we introduce ourselves and talk a little about what we look for and enjoy about movies.
Dan has no eyelashes, Garret requires good dialoge, with no luck from us!, I want cheese and explotions and Nolan keeps thanking Regis Philbin for some reason!

Download the episode here